"L Band test. On Friday, the signal will be available in North America and South America. In June we’ll turn on the next beam, which has coverage from western Africa to Papua New Guinea. We expect to deliver about 20MB to start out. Over time our plan is to grow this to 100MB a day. "
Is there a time line on this and what frequency will Outernet be using.
I imagine it should be receivable in the Philippines…
We are currently live on IOR 64E, which has coverage from the UK to Indonesia. You can see the beam, which coverage about 1.3 of the Earth, stops right a Papua New Guinea.
I have a E4000 RTL Dongle which should be able to see L-Band frequency 1539.8725 MHz…
I have just connected my e4000 dongle to my Omnidirectional circular TV antenna that sometimes lets me see Inmarsat L-Band 1500’s MHZ data but when I checked this morning I cannot see any signal on the Outernet L-Band frequency from the Philippines.
I have built a directional patch antenna as per the RTL-SDR website video and will try that this afternoon to look for the Outernet signal on 1539.8725 MHz.
I have some questions
Is Outernet transmitting test data continuously and if so what is the modulation.
I imagine SSB is used rather than FM?
Is the test data encrypted?
What is the Power / strength of the Outernet signal compared to other Inmarsat signals?
Can we decode the Outernet L-Band test data with a RTL dongle connected to a Raspberry pi and Library software?
I am only a hobbyist and internet here in the Philippines are available in most area. I am about to test this L-band feed from 64 east inmarsat transmission using sdr-touch and usb dongle tuner. Will give feedback later for the result.
You will very likely need some kind of LNA to receive the signal, as well as an antenna that provides at least 6dBi of gain. You can somewhat easily build an antenna, since they are pretty uncommon for L-band. An omnidirectional antenna is unfortunately not sufficient.
We have some test data now, but they are mostly random packets. The modulation is BPSK with 1/2 code rate. The test data is not encrypted, but it is random, so nonsensical packets. We should be releasing our software demodulator and decoder next week, which will allow the signal to be turned into files.
We will be releasing our firmware for the Raspberry Pi and CHIP single board computers very shortly. For free, of course.
We are comparable to the Inmarsat Std-C EGC service, or about 3dB lower in SNR when compared to the Aero channels that are not too far away from us.
I will try and see the Inmarsat Satellite IOR 64E.
If I see a signal I will post a screen dump.
I have a patch antenna, LNA, e4000 RTL dongle and a raspberry Pi and or a Orange Pi running Armbian 5.14 and am happy to be a beta tester of the Raspberry pi Software if you need.
Nice work on the antenna! Maybe we should be buying them from you
I think the LNA does not provide enough gain. Can you acquire another one and cascade them right below the antenna?
Ben, It has been raining like Crazy here in the Philippines so setting my antenna up outside is on hold. But If the decoder software is available I would certainly put on a raincoat to test it out.
Any idea when a beta / test version will be available.
So far so good on our internal testing of the decoder. We’re going to be increasing the bandwidth for the Europe/Africa/Asia beam on July 1, which is when we expect to publicly release the demod/decoder. We’ll have 10 kHz with a symbol rate of 8ksps and information rate of 4kbps. Fingers crossed we’ll be delivering about 40MB per day to most of the world. In North and South America it will be 20MB per day.