Hi all,
first time posting here, not really aware of what has been going on.
The last email I received was on the 6th of November, basically saying I can build the thing that I already payed a pledge for. Not a very positive piece of information honestly.
I understand building a hardware project is difficult.
I understand completing a crowdfunded project even more difficult (estimates are based on lowballing material resource requirements, not time or effort spent)
I don’t understand how difficult setting up a satellite network, so it’s redundant to say it’s difficult.
But I am still interested in receiving periodical updates on my email. At least every 3 months there should be a status update. Remember, we made a pledge not because we need the lantern, but because we believe in the idea. We will tolerate a vague amount of vague setbacks, but what we will not tolerate is a lack of communication that is interpreted as not taking your original backers seriously.
I am still hoping this project reaches it’s full completion and that it has a place in the future of humanity.
First of all, let me apologize for the lack of updates. There’s been a lot going on, and at one ponint the fate of the project was even dangerously low above the red line. We are seemingly in the clear and resuming development, including the original portable Lantern which has been generously supported by people such as yourself. I believe the intention was the update backers after the test with a working antenna was completed which will happen during the early days of summer this year.
I don’t remember the details, but you cannot build a Lantern right now. The only buildable receiver I’m aware of is a Rasberry Pi based receiver for Ku/C band, which is different (requires a satellite dish). We will also make available the instructions to build a device that will be able to receive the same signal as Lantern, but not before Lantern itself is released, and the buildable version will not have a battery pack, solar panel, case, and similar features that come integrated in the Lantern.
@josejuanisaac Thanks for your generous support and patience. When you say that the last update was in November, do you mean the last IndieGogo update? Is it possible that other updates went to your junk folder? There have been several more since November. In any case, it’s high time for another one.
But if you are ever curious about what it is that we do all day, the best place to look is at our Github account.