i am watching since a a couple of days the weather app. My location is in western Germany and when pointing to it in the weather app it shows windspeeds much higher than the local observation. This morning and the last night it was more or less calm and the App shows 70 kmh at surface level. Is perhaps not the surface wind or are maximum possible gusts shown?
Anybody with similar obsevations?
If you go to http://aprs.fi and find where you are on the map ( if it doesn’t find you by itself…)
Then you can click on any of the “WX” icons.That is the weather data being transmitted by the Amateur Packet Radio System. They are all independent weather stations ( some will be wrong though!)
Investigation is still going on, but I guess the displayed windspeed is the maximum possible gust speed and not the average speed ???
What is the opinion of other users about real local weather and displayed weather in the “Earth-App”?
The local here Wind is since a couple of days rather a light breeze and the attached Grib shows 18 Kmh in 10m above groundfor 00:00 UTC tonight, but gusts up to 42 kmh
I am going to guess that the NOAA data uses on the https://earth.nullschool.net/ moving map is simply not as granular as it could be.
In other words, it is not taking all the local data, but rather only extrapolates from bigger chunks. You may also be looking at forecast data rather than observations, brought about by (necessary) delays in the data on Outernet.
The most accurate observation always come from the airports in my experience. I live half my life on a tiny island where it really matters, and I use the METAR data. This site translates the live metar data into (almost) proper english METAR TAF : Alderney Airport, Alderney That is centred on Alderney (EGJA) but it can be from anywhere - I wonder if something like that (actual real observations - the METAR (and TAF- Terminal Area Forecast- data is public domain) can be incorporated in Outernet in the future too. The display method is not as “sexy” as the moving map LOL!
Neil, your guess makes sense, perhaps the image in the “Earth-App” is interpolated from very distant values.
And if a cyclone with high windspeeds passes by at some distance, these speeds are shown as actual speeds in the whole area.
I am living in the near of Cologne and the North Sea is about 250Km distant. Perhaps NOAA observed high windspeeds over the sea effect high windspeed indication on the display, because they are only calculated out of some distant obervations.
Since I am not using the Outernet for my personal weather forecast, this is not dramatic for me and of course I am familiar with the different sources of weather observation (METAR, APRS, etc). I opened this thread to ask for other users observations, because I suspected a fault in the system, as for instance shifted data or high-altitude windspeeds instead of ground-level.
Thank you for your remarks and all the best to you for the new year,
I’m cruising off Costa Rica in the Pacific at 9 deg N lat, and don’t have my Lantern with me - - it is laid up awaiting parts that didn’t come in time. I got an Outernet In A Box, but that’s too hard to keep running on a ship unattended, so I’m blind.
I was monitoring your feed to stay current, and can’t connect anymore. Is it up? Ken
Hi Ken,
no, it´s off at the moment, i will put it online next year again, hi.
Perhaps you can try it with Marks feed: http://g7ltt.dyndns.org:8888/
It is online right now.
Have a nice cruise - I remember a January ten years ago, when I was in Puerto Limon on a Freightship and then came back to frozen Germany
And all the best for the new year,
All the best to you for the new year
Update: could manage the Network-Problem remotely. obereip.selfhost.de
seems to be online again!