DISCLAIMER The files and instructions posted here come with no warranty. You use them at your own risk. Outernet will only provide support as time allows, via this forum or GitHub issue tracker.
The v0.2.4 image addresses a few issues with tuning. The web interface is still the same as with the v0.2.3 release.
We have also completed documentation for ORxPi system. If you are starting a fresh build, please peruse the Receiver HOWTO.
The last one should come in handy if you wish to upgrade from v0.2.3.
If you want us to document something on a specific topic not covered in the HOWTOs, please file a feature request.
Some of you may have spotted the orx-rpi repository on our GitHub account. This is not quite ready yet, so I will make a separate announcement as soon as it is. Meanwhile, you’re on your own if you want to try it.
Well done, Branko! This update is working extremely well outside of Washington, DC, on Galaxy 19. It has run continuously for the last 18 hours without losing lock as the previous version did. I am downloading many messages aperiodically. I’m up to 162 new articles, and have the full set of DW, Outernet, and UNICEF Twitter feeds.
What are folks experiencing in Europe and Africa? Please try this ORxPi image and post your experiences. Ken
Just updated zImage file on 25 July 2015, and now get many new articles, but my Dashboard shows no Signal Lock. I must be connected as I show a constant update of files. Any ideas, Branko?
I’d check the coax first. Here I have the wrestle with it a bit before it shows anything. Also, please let me know if /usr/sbin/ondd is running. You won’t see anything if that process is dead for some reason. You can also check the application logs and see if the app is getting any response from ONDD (usually appears as XML snippets).