By ‘unregulated communications’ I mean the ability for two or more people to exchange information at a distance without being required to operate under terms set forth by governments and/or companies. I know there are carrier pigeons, and I assume they are not (yet) regulated. Anyone knows anything else?
tor and onion pi (We Moved!),i2p,freenet
Onion Pi isn’t really unregulated. It is just a proxy to Internet, which is managed by operators.
I’m not familiar with i2p, but from its description (“I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network”) you still need a network which may or may not be regulated. If you are using Internet as ‘network’, you have the same constraints as Onion Pi.
Freenet is probably the closest. However, if it uses Wi-Fi radio for communications, it’s still regulated. You don’t need a license to operate a Wi-Fi radio, but it’s still expected to adhere to standards laid out by governments and international bodies. Still, it’s probably much better than HAM radio in that respect.
What I mean is truly unregulated, though, as in just talking to another person (which is not covered by any law or standard, and not subject to contracts with companies, licenses, etc).
ISM band
The industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands are radio bands (portions of the radio spectrum) reserved internationally for the use of radio frequency (RF) energy for industrial, scientific and medical purposes other than telecommunications.[1] Examples of applications in these bands include radio-frequency process heating, microwave ovens, and medical diathermy machines. The powerful emissions of these devices can create electromagnetic interference and disrupt radio communication using the same frequency, so these devices were limited to certain bands of frequencies. In general, communications equipment operating in these bands must tolerate any interference generated by ISM equipment, and users have no regulatory protection from ISM device operation.
Despite the intent of the original allocations, and because there are multiple allocations, in recent years the fastest-growing uses of these bands have been for short-range, low power communications systems. Cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, near field communication (NFC) devices, and wireless computer networks all use frequencies allocated to low power communications as well as ISM.
ISM bands
The ISM bands are defined by the ITU-R in 5.138, 5.150, and 5.280 of the Radio Regulations. Individual countries’ use of the bands designated in these sections may differ due to variations in national radio regulations. Because communication devices using the ISM bands must tolerate any interference from ISM equipment, unlicensed operations are typically permitted to use these bands, since unlicensed operation typically needs to be tolerant of interference from other devices anyway. The ISM bands share allocations with unlicensed and licensed operations; however, due to the high likelihood of harmful interference, licensed use of the bands is typically low. In the United States of America, uses of the ISM bands are governed by Part 18 of the FCC rules, while Part 15 contains the rules for unlicensed communication devices, even those that share ISM frequencies. In Europe, the ETSI is responsible for governing ISM bands.
The ISM bands defined by the ITU-R are:
Frequency range Bandwidth Center frequency Availability
6.765 MHz 6.795 MHz 30 kHz 6.780 MHz Worldwide
13.553 MHz 13.567 MHz 14 kHz 13.560 MHz Worldwide
26.957 MHz 27.283 MHz 326 kHz 27.120 MHz Worldwide
40.660 MHz 40.700 MHz 40 kHz 40.680 MHz Worldwide
433.050 MHz 434.790 MHz 1.74 MHz 433.920 MHz Worldwide
(within the amateur radio 70 cm band)
902.000 MHz 928.000 MHz 26 MHz 915.000 MHz Worldwide
2.400 GHz 2.500 GHz 100 MHz 2.450 GHz Worldwide
5.725 GHz 5.875 GHz 150 MHz 5.800 GHz Worldwide
24.000 GHz 24.250 GHz 250 MHz 24.125 GHz Worldwide
61.000 GHz 61.500 GHz 500 MHz 61.250 GHz Worldwide
122.000 GHz 123.000 GHz 1 GHz 122.500 GHz Worldwide
244.000 GHz 246.000 GHz 2 GHz 245.000 GHz Worldwide
Regulatory authorities may allocate parts of the radio spectrum for unlicensed communications that may or may not also be allocated as ISM bands.
This section requires expansion. (September 2010)
The ISM bands were first established at the International Telecommunications Conference of the ITU in Atlantic City, 1947. The American delegation specifically proposed several bands, including the now commonplace 2.4 GHz band, to accommodate the then nascent process of microwave heating; however, FCC annual reports of that time suggest that much preparation was done ahead of these presentations.
From the proceedings: "The delegate of the United States, referring to his request that the frequency 2450 Mc/s be allocated for I.S.M., indicated that there was in existence in the United States, and working on this frequency a diathermy machine and an electronic cooker, and that the latter might eventually be installed in transatlantic ships and airplanes. There was therefore some point in attempting to reach world agreement on this subject."
Radio frequencies in the ISM bands have been used for communication purposes, although such devices may experience interference from non-communication sources. In the United States, as early as 1958 Class D Citizens Band, a Part 95 service, was allocated to frequencies that are also allocated to ISM.
In the US, the FCC first made unlicensed spread spectrum available in the ISM bands in rules adopted on May 9, 1985.]
Many other countries later developed similar regulations, enabling use of this technology.[citation needed] The FCC action was proposed by Michael Marcus of the FCC staff in 1980 and the subsequent regulatory action took 5 more years. It was part of a broader proposal to allow civil use of spread spectrum technology and was opposed at the time by mainstream equipment manufacturers and many radio system operators.
ISM uses
For many people, the most commonly encountered ISM device is the home microwave oven operating at 2.45 GHz; however, many different kinds of ISM devices exist, which are predominately found outside dwellings. Many industrial settings may use ISM devices in plastic welding processes. In medical settings, shortwave and microwave diathermy machines are ISM devices mostly commonly used for muscle relaxation. Microwave ablation, a type of interventional radiology, is an ISM application which treats solid tumors through the use of RF heating.
Some electrodeless lamp designs are ISM devices, which use RF emissions to excite fluorescent tubes. Sulfur lamps are commercially available plasma lamps, which use a 2.45 GHz magnetron to heat sulfur into a brightly glowing plasma.
Long-distance wireless power systems have been proposed and experimented with which would use high-power transmitters and rectennas, in lieu of overhead transmission lines and underground cables, to send power to remote locations. NASA has studied using microwave power transmission on 2.45 GHz to send energy collected by solar power satellites back to the ground.
Also in space applications, a Helicon Double Layer ion thruster is a prototype spacecraft propulsion engine which uses a 13.56 MHz transmission to break down and heat gas into plasma.
Non-ISM uses
In recent years ISM bands have also been shared with (non-ISM) license-free error-tolerant communications applications such as wireless sensor networks in the 915 MHz and 2.450 GHz bands, as well as wireless LANs and cordless phones in the 915 MHz, 2.450 GHz, and 5.800 GHz bands. Because unlicensed devices are required to be tolerant of ISM emissions in these bands, unlicensed low power users are generally able to operate in these bands without causing problems for ISM users. ISM equipment does not necessarily include a radio receiver in the ISM band (e.g. a microwave oven does not have a receiver).
In the United States, according to 47 CFR Part 15.5, low power communication devices must accept interference from licensed users of that frequency band, and the Part 15 device must not cause interference to licensed users. Note that the 915 MHz band should not be used in countries outside Region 2, except those that specifically allow it, such as Australia and Israel, especially those that use the GSM-900 band for cellphones. The ISM bands are also widely used for Radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications with the most commonly used band being the 13.56 MHz band used by systems compliant with ISO/IEC 14443 including those used by biometric passports and contactless smart cards.
In Europe, the use of the ISM band is covered by Short Range Device regulations issued by European Commission, based on technical recommendations by CEPT and standards by ETSI. In most of Europe, LPD433 band is allowed for license-free voice communication in addition to PMR446.
Wireless LAN devices use wavebands as follows:
Bluetooth 2450 MHz band falls under WPAN
HIPERLAN 5800 MHz band
IEEE 802.11/WiFi 2450 MHz and 5800 MHz bands
IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee and other personal area networks may use the 915 MHz and 2450 MHz ISM bands because of frequency sharing between different allocations.
Wireless LANs and cordless phones can also use bands other than those shared with ISM, but such uses require approval on a country by country basis. DECT phones use allocated spectrum outside the ISM bands that differs in Europe and North America. Ultra-wideband LANs require more spectrum than the ISM bands can provide, so the relevant standards such as IEEE 802.15.4a are designed to make use of spectrum outside the ISM bands. Despite the fact that these additional bands are outside the official ITU-R ISM bands, because they are used for the same types of low power personal communications, they are sometimes incorrectly referred to as ISM bands as well.
Also note that several brands of radio control equipment use the 2.4 GHz band range for low power remote control of toys, from gas powered cars to miniature aircraft.
Worldwide Digital Cordless Telecommunications or WDCT is a technology that uses the 2.4 GHz radio spectrum.
Google’s Project Loon uses ISM bands (specifically 2.4 and 5.8 GHz bands) for balloon-to-balloon and balloon-to-ground communications.
Pursuant to 47 CFR Part 97 some ISM bands are used by licensed amateur radio operators for communication - including amateur television.
do what you want because it’s all the law, within the ism
do what you want because it's all the law, within the ism=do what you want because it's all legal, within the ism=do what you want because it's all the lawful, within the ism
post this for all english country for not questioning my english
What you say is similar to Wi-Fi. You’re free to use it without license, but it’s regulated. That’s exactly what I’m not talking about. I’m talking about completely unregulated.
One thing I ran into recently is free-space optical communication. As far as I know, it’s not (yet) regulated by any law or organization.
Also, here’s a bit of a background of why I’m asking.
Outernet is a one-way service. So there needs to be a second channel for people on the ground to talk to us (request content, give us feedback regarding content that’s already broadcast, etc). If we use something like a mobile network, the second channel becomes vulnerable. If it is completely unregulated, it would be impossible to block it.
Of course you could argue that Outernet itself could go rogue and that would be the end of it. So, it would be pretty kick ass if Outernet broadcast itself could run on an unregulated channel. With open-source components/software, and unregulated communication channel, everyone could continue using Outernet even in the highly unlikely but still possible scenario that Outernet becomes the bad guy.
I have not found anything that can help, the only channel that is where I found via radio trasmitida through the wormhole, wormhole but is very expensive