I love where this project has gone since it’s inception. It’s great to see all the progress.
That being said I wanted to bring up the idea of using SW radio as an alternative way to access the network, this would involve cheaper hardware for receive and while it’s not capable of the data rates that the DVB satellites are it is capable of reaching parts of the world that may not have any satellite coverage. It can fill in the blind spots within the network/system.
I see two ways of doing this.
- Renting air time from large SW broadcasters already on the air, an example would be Global 24, the worlds newest shortwave station. They may be more than willing to lease or offer air time for digital transmissions with power output we may otherwise be unable to attain on our own.
I also wanted to note http://www.swradio.net/ a pirate station that went legit, they might very well be willing to provide or lease us air time for this purpose.
- Amateur radio support. The 30 meter ham band is a digital only band that does not allow contesting, it has great propagation and could be utilized as a means for HF/SW transmissions of outernet data. Hams from around the world could downlink from outernet, sanitize it for amateur radio transmission types and then re-transmit the data throughout the day.
There is of course the option of building and licensing our own SW station though the cost involved may be much higher than otherwise needed. I do believe the bulk of the cash resources should goto satellite and receiver development so I feel leasing or using amateur support would be the best way to get an outernet HF station on the air.
Thoughts, comments, questions?