Hi all–just letting you know that earlier this summer we installed an outernet-dish/lighthouse into a specially-designed bench-sculpture on the grounds of Wave Farm, a center for transmission art in upstate NY. Here is more info:
That’s really Groovy guys. Bravo
An update on the Outernet receiving station as art sculpture–it has been well-received over the last 2 or so years! I’ve kept up with retrofitting the system to conform to the changing Outernet specs since initial installation in 2016. Since the Outernet is a bit in flux right now, we’ve decided to put the old Lantern in place so that the Wave Farm art center’s upcoming summer seasonal visitors can view the “vintage” files at the station. I’ve also made a brochure for visitors which summarizes the Outernet endeavor over time–attached here as images. (When printed it is a single letter-size page printed on both sides and folded into thirds.) Please do of course let me know if anyone sees errors or misrepresentations–and understand that it is meant for the general public and to be an introduction/overview.
Here is a link of the brochure as PDF: