We have decided to post weekly summaries of what we have been working on here at Outernet to give the public a feel for how the project is moving forward. Here is what we worked on last week:
1. Released first beta 0.1 version of Librarian: - Integrated translations from POEditor (14 languages incl. English) - First release of apps for Librarian - First example app (Announcements) for receiving announcements from Outernet staff[1] - Can run scripts from within file browser interface (will be used for applying Librarian updates)
2. Implemented automatic harvesting of RSS feeds - Currently handles Radio Netherlands Worldwide content, updating every day
3. Started research on possible port of Librarian to Android - Will probably use Kivy[2] - Depending on the results, may need to be reformulated as native Android app, rather than a web-based app like it is now
4. We hired a Sales Director! Welcome to the team, Rachel Gottlieb Feinberg.
After graduating from Lake Forest College where she studied psychology and international relations, Rachel spent 7 years as an advertising and marketing strategist for clients across an array of different industries. As Global Sales Director at Outernet, Rachel will pursue her initial passion for people, and is dedicated to empowering and elevating women living without the freedom to learn.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://blog.outernet.is/2014/11/progress-update.html