We want adventurers who are unafraid to break convention and take free information to places where it might not be welcome today.
We want dreamers who can imagine a world where everyone is free to push the boundaries of their curiosity.
We want explorers eager to go to far off places, meet new people, and change the world.
Correspondents will receive complimentary hardware from Outernet and will be tasked with contributing regularly to a global media project documenting the launch of Outernet. The visions of correspondents regarding the use cases of Outernet should challenge ours in their audacity.
The correspondent's work will be published on a specially designed platform and broadcast over Outernet, making the audience for this project in the billions.
Outernet will begin accepting applications for correspondents in Fall 2014. For more information on when and how to apply, please subscribe to our newsletter.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://blog.outernet.is/2014/06/outernet-global-correspondents.html