Outernet: Outernet Broadcasting Scholarly Content From Space for Free, Beginning with Harvard

As of today, the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication through its Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) database has been added to the Outernet Core Archive. DASH is the first open-access university repository to participate in Outernet and represents Outernet’s first foray into university partnerships.

As part of Outernet’s initial service roll out, Outernet and the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication have entered into a content partnership whereby Outernet will begin broadcasting select articles from the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) database (see below). The goal will be to eventually make all eligible scholarship available as part of the Outernet archive. The Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication joins Project Gutenberg, Deutsche Welle, and Open Source Ecology as content partners.

Syed Karim, CEO of Outernet, said,

“Broadcasting the academic content of one of the leading universities in the world is an enormous win for information equality. Now the thinking of some of our greatest minds can be read, critiqued, and built on by people all over the world in a way never previously possible. This is the essence of academic collaboration. The open mission of DASH and the Harvard Library Office of Scholarly Communication are strongly aligned with Outernet - we are thrilled to work with them to bring their content to a truly global audience.”

Peter Suber, Director of the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication, said,

“Harvard supports open access to peer-reviewed faculty scholarship, and the participation of our open-access repository in Outernet is entirely consonant with our mission to enhance the distribution, visibility, and usage of Harvard research."

About Outernet (www.outernet.is):

Outernet is Humanity’s Public Library, founded in February 2014 and turned on its first broadcast signal on August 11, 2014. Outernet broadcasts the most important content from the web to Earth from satellites for free. Users can access the Outernet signal using a homemade receiver built from widely available components, instructions for which are available on the Outernet website. Outernet is the most significant step towards universal information access regardless of wealth, geography, or political environment.

About Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication:

The Library Office for Scholarly Communication spearheads campus-wide initiatives to open, share, and preserve scholarship at Harvard. Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) is the University-wide, open access repository used to house articles that fall under the faculty open access policies. Visitors to DASH can locate, read, and use up-to-the-minute scholarship from Harvard.

For more information, please contact:

Thane Richard Director of User Engagement, Outernet thane@outernet.is

Peter Suber Director of the Harvard Library Office for Scholarly Communication peter_suber@harvard.edu

Popular DASH articles that are available on Outernet as of today:

Peter K. Bol. Middle-Period Discourse on the Zhong Guo: The Central Country. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/3629313/Bol%20paper%20Central%20Country%20REV0909.pdf?sequence=2

Karen L. King. The Place of the Gospel of Philip in the Context of Early Christian Claims about Jesus’s Marital Status. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/11041837/King%2c%20Gospel%20of%20Philip%20%26%20Jesus%27s%20Marital%20Status%20published%20NTS%20Oct%202013.pdf?sequence=1

Christine M. Korsgaard. The activity of Reason. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/3629313/Bol%20paper%20Central%20Country%20REV0909.pdf?sequence=2

David M. Lazer, R. Kennedy, Gary King, and A. Vespignani. The Parable of Google Flu: Traps in Big Data Analysis. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/12016836/The%20Parable%20of%20Google%20Flu%20%28WP-Final%29.pdf?sequence=1

Samuel A. Mehr, Adena Schachner, Rachel C. Katz, and Elizabeth S. Spelke. Two Randomized Trials Provide No Consistent Evidence for Nonmusical Cognitive Benefits of Brief Preschool Music Enrichment. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/11276120/mehr-two-randomized.pdf?sequence=3

Afsaneh Najmabadi. Making (Up) an Archive: What Could Writing History Look Like in a Digital Age? http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/11297828/Brown%20University%20draft%20paper.pdf?sequence=1

Antoine Picon. Learning from utopia: contemporary architecture and the quest for political and social relevance. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/10579145/Picon_LearningFrom.pdf?sequence=1

Stuart M. Shieber. There Can Be No Turing-Test--Passing Memorizing Machines http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/11684156/3521354.0014.016.pdf?sequence=7

Peter Suber. Thinking about prestige, quality, and open access. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/4322577/suber_oaquality.html?sequence=1

Jonathan Zittrain. Be Careful What You Ask For: Reconciling a Global Internet and Local Law. http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/9696322/Zittrain_CarefulWhatYouAskFor.pdf?sequence=1

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://blog.outernet.is/2014/09/outernet-broadcasting-scholarly-content.html