I did a fresh install using the new ‘ORxPi2-2.6.zip’ file by formatting an extra 1GB Sandisk SD card.as Fat32 (note that it isn’t SDHC or anything special like that) and extracting the files to the card.
And… Everything worked perfectly. All of the functions worked fine as well. It even started up with my 1TB harddrive already detected!
Then, I rebooted it using the sudo reboot command.
The boot-up screen looked normal, but when I tried to connect with http://librarian.outernet/, I got the setup screen again!
Sorry for the late response, @Ben I believe it was Windows FAT.
It wasn’t Fat32. Also, It was an older SD card that came from a old Blackberry Bold (remember those?)
Finally, The SD card in question fell into a crack in the floor and broke in half when I tried to remove it :’(
Thinking about it, who uses FAT anymore? That was probably the problem…
Also, @branko it looked like the entire card was read-only on boot. It was acting like a CD-R more than a SD card. Thus, there weren’t any changes on the SD card at all.