I run the web site where the ham radio APRS data is downloaded. I just got my receiver yesterday and online quickly, it was a surprisingly easy setup process. My first comment on the user interface is the signal indicator ought to link you directly to the receiver information page giving the details of what the bars mean. I’m sure I’ll have more
Overnight the first Wikipedia page came through, for a South Korean girl band called BlackPink. When I think of all the amazing pages on Wikipedia I have to say “huh?” at that choice.
The weather page is amazing to look at, but it isn’t very helpful to actually predict the weather at any given location. I wonder if there isn’t a better interface to the gridded data that would give a real forecast.
That should be working now. Add OUTNET to any message on APRS, and (assuming it makes it to the APRS Internet System) it should appear on the messages feed. For now everything from and via the ISS is also in the feed. The ISS packet system went down a few weeks ago, came back online yesterday. So far though there have been no digipeated packets from it, it may be just that people got out of the habit of using it, or there may still be a problem.
The Wikipedia selection is sort-of random from the recently top viewed pages as reported by wikipedia itself. Evidently a lot of people care about the band
The UI is being completely redone, so you input on that I will be sure to consider in the new UI.
At the moment Outernet are automatically grabbing pages from the 5000 most popular
@syed I’d suggest it would be more topical to just get the top page from here every day (Excluding some porn, 404 pages & a few TV station pages that don’t seem that interesting) What do you think?
It should be as easy as wget on the top link from that page, then once a file has been broadcast you could stick it in a blacklist to not be re-broadcast for X months…
Just noticed you can do the same for other languages like French, SpanishArabicChinese, Turkish, Russian so this would be a really nice way to diversify content, and provide topical information to people where Wikipedia and other news sources are blocked.
Say it’s 500kb for a compressed Wikipedia page (220 after compresstion) on average you’d be looking at 1.5mb a day to do 7 languages. I think it would do a lot for the perception of the project to do so though.
I’m getting the messages file every hour. It seems like the system even interrupts a big file to send the messages file shortly after the top of the hour. Does your APRS client connect to the APRS Internet System? If you send a message that contains “OUTNET” - not OUTERNET because the system is set up for the 6 character ham callsign limit - it should appear. Just don’t send the message to me, for a reason I still haven’t been able to track down the system eats messages to and from me! My callsign is all throughout the system and somehow I messed something up I haven’t figured out!
i’m not used to being the noob, usually I’m the one with the answers. I can say something is wrong on your en. I’ve only had my receiver for 48 hours, and in that time I have regularly received the messages-0.html and messages-1.html (alternating every hour) shortly after the top of the hour. I presume other files are coming through fine. I use rxos on a Pi so my interface is different, but if I read your pic right you are in the correct directory. Do you have a recents function? the messages files are always near the top of that in my system. Are there any options to ignore duplicate file names in your interface, or anything else that could result in ignoring incoming data? Other than that you need someone with more knowledge of Outernet than I!
A few weeks ago I was receiving the APRS messages every hour and I managed to get YACC displaying the data.
Now I am not receiving APRS messages. I suspect one culprit could be I am on a different Inmarsat Satellite to you . I am in Philippines on 3f1 you, I assume are On the Americas Inmarsat satellite. Possibly the Carousel is not putting APRs messages on my satellite.
Are you running the CHIP or Raspberry Pi? I am running the CHIP based version of Outernet.
they are just files - leave the Weather folder alone, rest is really upto you.
Inside the Weather/data/weather folder - it makes a lot of sense to delete all of the folders older than yesterday. just don’t delete the Weather/data/weather/current folder. and the other files.
Ideally just delete everything you don’t want to keep (with the above caveat about the Weather folder).