I can recover from this problem by restarting the Lantern by removing all power from it, and it will work fine again for several days to a week.
I am now in this condition and can visit the Lantern via PuTTY to look for an issue or do a reset without having to open the Lantern and power it down. Any thoughts out there? Ken
Librarian works fine for awhile awaiting on downloads here on Alphasat in Opatija, Croatia, with strong 4+ SNRs and error less packet downloads, then fails to start. Ken
Temps here in Croatia are lower than in DC, and my Lantern is in the shade here versus in the sun at home, so I don’t think that’s the reason.
Sometimes I can go 2 weeks looking into the Lantern periodically during that time with no problem - - sometimes 3 or 4 days - - yesterday it was just hours. So I can’t answer that. But my guess is it’s not time driven either.
I can SSH into the Lantern and think I could reload the Librarian that way rather than to go thru a complete shut down. What do I type to reload the Librarian? Ken
We’ve had a receiver up for an entire week, cooking at 85C the whole time. Not an E4000, but the entire receiver was up without issue. @Abhishek@zoltan How long have your radios been up–when left up? Are you seeing the same lock ups?
the packet count works by making a request every few seconds to the receiver. Sometimes, that request fails. In such cases, the packet count may appear to freeze. refreshing the page should generally get it running again.
I have myself not seem freezes after a few days like this. There was one instance where librarian had crashed - and had to be restarted manually - but in that case the library won’t work either.
Can Outernet send critical diagnostic function information from individual lanterns that are also connected to the internet to a Outernet database for analysis.
I as a beta tester would not object as I think this would definitely help diagnose some of the issues we are having. Such as;
Average SNR
Software Performance.
Hardware issues CHIP, Raspberry etc.
Antenna configuration.
Yes, definitely. If you connect your receiver to a WLAN (though the Dashboard), these anonymous reports are enabled. Turning the receiver into a wifi client is done under Network Interfaces.
I have 1 librarian running on RPi 3 and R820T2 tuner, and 1 CHIP and E4000 tuner booth running since 2nd of October uninterrupted, no lock ups so far, receiving data.
How often is the Lantern being used by client devices over wifi? It’s also possible that your device is locking up due to usage. We are at the border line of RAM usage, which is why I ask.