i got one DIY kit to l-band outernet
im locate in southamerica Colombia
basic setup,
-using rpi3 and DIY kit (tnks to outernet), outernet antenna (tnks a ham radio user from ny)
-the antena its not on the roof, its under the garden mesh
-very strong signal ? 4.5 db
-aling antenna using Inclinometer and magnetic compass, and dishpointer website
-looking for a good outdoor case to put all the stuf in
-the sdr get very hot under locale climate, i add a huge heatsink for that
-the dashboard tabs in Librarian v4.0.post2 / rxos 2.0 do not work , lot of F5 to make it work, in firefox and chrome
-more photos outernet L-BAND | Flickr
hoping to have time in the future to test outside in an open space