Khann Academy Lectures

Hi, I’m new to this forum, just installed my dreamcatcher board to a GM-MP-1 Sat dish. Works great, the whole unit is portable. My question is how do I download Khann Academy lectures? tried to ftp Rachel but couldn’t get it to download. (user error).
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Ken - - I presume you want to download Khann to your computer, then copy it onto a micro SD Card to run in the external storage slot on the Dreamcatcher. That’s the only way to do it - - you can’t upload files to the external storage card when it is installed in the Dreamcatcher. It’s write protected.

So I suggest you get the Rachel Program and put it on the micro SD card. Go to World Possible’s FTA site at:

Then select the rachelusb_32EN directory and download the latest ZIP file:

Take a look at how it runs on my Dreamcatcher if you like at:


Ken, thanks for the input, now I just need ftp software. btw when you access the khan/rachel files to play the videos do you need internet access?
thanks again, ken

No - - when you play Rachael from your Ext storage card it has everything already on the card. That’s the beauty of the USB version of the software.

As to FTP software, try FileZilla (Download FileZilla Client for macOS (Intel))

Alternately you could download individual Rachel Modules from, but I’ve never tried that, and don’t suspect it would be as user friendly as the Rachel USB packages. Ken

As an aside, you may find when you look at some of the RSS news feeds, hyperlinks that actually connect. The only reason is your computer is connected to the internet. Since your Dreamcatcher may also connected to your local Wifi Router, the response of the hyperlink is automatic - - like this - -

still having problems with ftp, using filezilla, port 21 and anonymous sign-in I get Connected, waiting for authentication from there it times out.

I tried again

I didn’t select a port, but let the program assign one. I just put in the host block, then anonymous in the user name and hit enter. Once connected, I grabbed the file I wanted from the right screen and dropped it in the left screen. Transfer started right away. I don’t know what port got selected. Ken

PS - - Try transferring small files out of Worldpossible and see if that works

Here’s another idea, Ken. Perhaps you forgot about this Windows option - - Use Windows to FTP into starting by:







and you get this from which you can download files to your computer. Ken

Ken, thanks for the reply, I live full time in an RV because of that my internet can be problematic. I looked at your post and realized that I was using filezilla server not client BIG difference once I downloaded the correct version I was able to access the ftp site. Now just waiting for the file to down load. It will take awhile because of my access. The file is about 20gb… after that I’ll install and see how that goes.

Good news!! By the way, have you investigated cellular 4G internet access? One company that comes to mind is which has a pretty good reputation. There service is unlimite in monthly downloads and never throttled. It come is various flavors - - a simple box for indoors, and a more complex device that has a cellular repeater/amplifier. Or you can add an Amazon purchased cellular repeater. Ken

Thanks again Ken for the input. looked at the nomad its a good plan but not one that will be of use to us because of the lifestyle and we still have to keep our phones. we do a lot of gold prospecting and that that takes us to areas that have no cell service, we have a internet satellite mounted on the top of the rig for those areas. The cost of sat time is very expensive so we use it sparingly and rely on cell service for other areas.
on another note remind me, I just have to load the unzipped files to my 32gb storage card… do I dump it in a file folder or reformat the card then add the Rachel files.

No - - the 32 GB card is too small for both the Zipped and unzipped files. Move the zip file to your computer and unzip it there. Then move the Rachel package to an empty 32 GB card Fat32 formatted (that’s how 32 GB SD cards come). Ken

PS By the way, I did download one of the other small Rachel Modules (en-women-in-african-history) from that is not included in the main Rachel USB download and put it on my ext_card. Just as I expected, it runs OK, but it’s a stand alone entity.

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