July 2018 Update?

Looks like it has been a while since backers have received an update on the Lantern project? Any new timelines available? Thanks!

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Agreedā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure things are heading in the right direction, but an update would certainly be great :slight_smile:

Iā€™m working on a really interesting/useful content source, which is what I want to include in the update. I know it seems like such a simple thing to send updates, but I get bombarded with replies every time I send one, which is why they arenā€™t so regular. The replies take a really long time and there is only so much time in a day. Itā€™s getting closer and closer. I know many backers think weā€™ve given up, but thatā€™s far, far from reality.


Just sent e-mail to Syed as reply to endless replies, from 5 years nowā€¦ Iā€™m going to sue in my own hometown from NY. Itā€™ll be worth the $50 filing fee to drag them out here for the years Iā€™ve waited from endless BS nowā€¦ They were bootstrapped from us allā€¦ We get really great storiesā€¦ ā€œShould be greatā€?.. Yeah - NO. I want a full refund plus the time compounded for aggravation I spent chasing this thing down ā€“ Finito.

Kirk - OUT(ERNET).

and yes - I am completely serious and quite capable. Iā€™ll ad a rant too while Iā€™m here.

This experience was a complete and epic cluster-sham. These people scammed us all and were over 200% campaign funded from Indiegogo.

They used us for their trendy-sheek folly and flew around the world, assuming the role of the wunderkind philanthropists in bringing telecom via satcom to globally remote areas (all while leaving their benefactor-bootstrappers high and dry). They took on grandiose personaā€™s at lofty high-brow TED talks and received immense PR ā€“ all the while, no mention as to how many people they dashed the hopes for having their expectations being realized for their own Satcom downlink receiver.

If this wasnā€™t insult enough, they began selling kits and systems for yet more profit and if you were an early technology backer like I was, and jumped through hoops (over years) to keep up with finding who was actually in charge and who was actually going to get you the product you paid for, you were degraded, mocked for asking and sold some LAME BS story (Just like the one I see is being sold right now)ā€¦ I donā€™t want your lessor kit, I donā€™t want your excuse about running out of parts, your excuses for lack for adequate receiver, your excuse for trying to buy a satellite - anymore. What I want - Is my investment back and remuneration from the years I spent in trying to get the product they solicited investment for.

Iā€™m so pissed right now seeing there is a July 2018 recent communication in an actual group here, all happy daze and yadda yaddaā€¦ Even the name changed? Did someone else sue too? Get ready for another name change thenā€¦

Iā€™m sure my direct e-mail will speak for itself (when it lands first thing tomorrow morning). Couldnā€™t even have sent out a group e-mail to those of us sots still waiting for the Lantern, to join this forumā€¦? Or to explain the name change or what the next great lame excuse isā€¦?

Iā€™m actually a CEO - This ā€œCEOā€ is neitherā€¦ A [C, E or O] - Shamwow salesman maybeā€¦

Yeah - Kirk Out


Hi, so, its been 6 months since the last update and this project is THREE YEARS behind schedule. This is not acceptable. Unless I have a delivery of a lantern like today, I am going to the police to file a complaint against this company.

I suggest that anyonelse burnt by this does the same.

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I also have been a CEO, a CIO, CTO, CISO, and a few other CxO. I feel your pain.

I am filing a fraud complaint with the Swedish police, my bank, and my insurance. I also am going to file a claim against kronofogden which is the government run credit collection agency set up to resolve disputes like this.

I would suggest you do the same in your domicile.

Its not going to get our money back, but it is going to make it difficult for their CEO to set foot in Europe (uniform financial crimes laws here) without being arrested, and since they are an Icelandic company Scandinavian laws apply. Iceland does have extradition and a common credit reporting and banking system. This will basically make it so these guys cant buy anything in Europe without cash and also possibly garnish their accounts making it difficult for them to receive orders, place orders, or even pay for postage.

There is much more we can do, however I have had it with these fraudsters on these sites and I am going to begin with legal actions and then consider what other remedies are available to me.

Its not going to get our money back or the radios we ordered. Beginning with bloodying the nose of fraudsters and increasing the pain until they capitulate is a reasonable goal

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I believe there are many people like me who would also like to sue these guys.

Do you have any idea since I believe a larger group of people suing them would actually make some difference.

Thanos (Athens, Greece)

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The unexplained name change from ā€˜Outernetā€™ to ā€˜Othernetā€™ can only be for one reason: to put this controversy behind them. Thatā€™s not an inspiring move of ethical corporate leadership that inspires confidence in past, present or future investors.

They have explained the name change in the past it was due to copyright issues please see this below post.


@tylerhoot Itā€™s due to a trademark issue; we had been disputing the trademark for years, but some recent decisions related to the mark were not in our favor, which resulted in a cease and desist from the owner of the trademark.

@Christopher_Neitzert I believe you were refunded last week, right? The whole point of a lawsuit is to get your money back, but Iā€™ve stated in several prior updates that people need to simply ask for a refund and it will be processed.

@tsalapeteinos Had you previously requested a refund? I wasnā€™t able to find a request for one.


Thatā€™s what I thought and what I was trying to remove the assumption from the chat.

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I have been requesting a refund and not received any response.

Syed, Iā€™ve been patiently waiting and understanding as the majority of your backers who are still around have been, all we have ever asked for is communication. You are several years past your original timeline and I would have been fine waiting a few more years but when you donā€™t give updates in 8 months and then I read on this thread its because every time you update you get too many replies and youā€™re too busy to deal with it I find it insulting. Maybe if the updates were more frequent, once a month or so, you wouldnā€™t be flooded with replies.

People are losing confidence in you, the Lantern and the Outer/Othernet, I know I have.

I am requesting that you please refund my purchase as I canā€™t justify the continued patience in you or your company without any communication or updates.

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Why? did you ever inform the people that payed that we can have a refund?

So i demand a refund of the full amount payed. Will give you a bank account number once i receive a specific response.

So, beside requesting refund is any chance that the product will be shipped like in next 10-15 years or so? I did not fund project to lend you money for 0% interest rateā€¦ I do NOT want refund, I WANT product delivered at least in my lifetimeā€¦

@tsalapeteinos Yes, there have been several backer updates which stated that refunds were/are available to anyone. Itā€™s just a matter of making the request. We use Paypal for processing refunds. Can you email hello@othernet.is with the email address associated with your Paypal account? We will also need the email address that you used on Indiegogo.

@Alone Yes! I can guarantee you that the product will be shipped within the next 10 years. I am even willing to accept a wager on that.

Cool, so wager on your first born son? :smiley: If not delivered within 10 years, i take him as a payment (PS: I am not associated with the Devil, just his supplier of souls :smile: )

How about the third son, instead?

Everyone should keep in mind that indigogo/kickstarter whatever is not a webshop where you can simply ā€œClick and buyā€ but is a crowdfunder for fantastic ideas. Before you decide to support a project, think about the fact the project may fail or will be delayed. Dont have high expectations, but think about the fact that you are supporting people with ideas, which may change, products are being altered, improved due to technical difficulties, changing researchā€¦

Asking a refund when you support such a project does not make you a supporter for a better world or improving technology. If you want something, find another webshop.


Sort of like donating to a charity, and then wanting my money back, because I changed my mind.

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It has been almost 2 weeks that i have requested the refund however i have not received any confirmation letter from you nor the refund.
Could I please get a confirmation that you have received my e-mail and are proceeding with refund?