I have 2 of the Dreamcatcher v3.05 boards along with Avenger PLL321S-2 LNBF
that I purchased pre-Covid and am just now getting around to installing.
Can the older Dreamcatchers work with the current frequencies?
Can they be upgraded with the new software that has the new GUI?
Should I use the Avenger LNBF or go buy the Bullseye?
Hi Leonard,
The version 3.05 will work better with the new frequencies if you are using the Bullseye. There is no upgraded Skylark, version 5.8 was the last one produced for the 3.05. The new GUI only works with the 2022 and 2023 versions of the Dreamcatcher.
I had my 3.05 working well with a Bullseye when the new board came out, and it still works fine with the new frequency and Beam Type 36. You may experience a few DB worse SNR than previously, but 3.05 and Skylark 5.8 in my opinion is still the best setup we have had in recent years.
The downloads are accessible, just not quite as conveniently. If you access @kenbarbi site, you can look around at a working GUI on a 2301 and see the downloaded content, it just isn’t indexed the same way as in Skylark.