I notice for Raspberry Pi 3, two ISO’s are shown with same version of 3.1,
but different issue dates. Oct 12 and Oct 30. Are they both the same? Or should one use the later date? Why the same Version number?
The most recent 3.1 image has the power patch, which does not automatically boot the CHIP when power is applied. I’m not sure what happens to the Pi on 3.1-power patch.
there is no power patch on the Rpi3 image. There is a minor patch that hopefully fixes browser inception.
Is it possible to get it to auto-boot/ shuts down at a certain voltage from the battery? I’m keen to power mine with an external 15w panel.
Boot as soon as the voltage in the internal battery reached 4 volts;
Shut down when voltage of internal battery is 3.3volts (So as to not deep discharge/ damage)
I can then leave my lantern outside connected to the panel, it will run/charge during the day.
Night falls, it runs off the internal battery for a couple of hours then switches off before battery damage occurs.
Sun rises, battery charges for an hour or so back to 4v, then it boots.
I guess ideally it would have a physical switch too, so the user can switch it off/ on.
@Abhishek Can address the power-related question.
15W and an external 40Ahr power pack will be enough for 24/7 autonomous operations.
Did you not see the physical switch? It’s in the corner.
Shutdown is possible, but autoboot is not. There is a setting in the power management IC which controls the shutdown voltage. If you lookup AXP209 PMIC datasheet, it has all the info you need. And the i2cset/i2cget tools you would need to configure it are already in RxOS.
That would allow experimenting. Unfortunately this setting isn’t saved across boots. So it goes away at next reboot.
Thats also part of why autoboot won’t work. No setting can be changed that applies before boot.
If we remove the “no-auto-boot” on power patch that went in recently, you might be able to use an external power bank to do what you plan.
What was the logic of setting no-auto-boot? In most use cases people would want it running when connecting to power? I’d much rather be able to powercycle it without having to go outside to press a button?
Yes - I myself find it a bit inconvenient too. So it was a difficult decision. As with most of the other recent changes, this is in preparation for a fully integrated receiver, which we are now in striking range of.
The base reason being power glitches lead to repeated starts and poweroff of the CHIP, and that causes NAND corruption. With the no-auto-boot, that doesn’t happen.
Unfortunately, there is no way to allow a user-side enable/disable for this. It happens too early during system start. But I am open to suggestions and patches.