its just a basic status, and we’d like to keep it basic for now.
vast majority of the units are not used in station mode, so don’t show up on the map.
I am not quite sure what the security reasons are. There is no private data being sent at all - only signal-strength related info. The markers themselves are placed at very approximate locations on the map and in addition I fudge their location randomly by +/-100KM in each direction. If you watch the map reload carefully, you will see your marker move around a bit. No ports are opened in your firewall, the info is submitted over https, so your ISP cannot snoop over it, and the actually connection is to your closest Cloudflare presence point, so even the true destination is actually hidden to intermediaries.
I would like to understand these concerns a bit more. I take security and privacy very seriously, and I put a lot of thought into this implementation from the very beginning to make sure that it did not do anything that risks either.