Could you please send me Europeans frequency for othernet.
I own dreamcatcher skylark 5.3.0
And also why I have a failed to biased in diagnosis.
Thanks in advanced
11657.1 MHz
thank you very much.
Now i have another problem :
I’m sorry to steal this thread - after long months I powered on my Dreamcatcher v3.05 with the latest Skylark and tried to receive on this new european frequency. I wasn’t successful and what I think is my biggest problem is, that the Status tab in Tuner doesn’t display anything at all, which makes positioning the LNB extremely hard. Is there any solution to that? I have no idea, what could have gone wrong since the last time I used my Dreamcatcher… Thanks!
Thank you so much, effectively the sma connector was cutted, and now t bias and lnb is well known.
BUT, i have a new trouble, the tuner status windows is blank and it seems there is no data received. could you help me please, i am located in france.
Normally on a 3.05, this would indicate that you are not correctly pointed at the satellite. Please check your LNBF’s elevation and azimuth.
Are you using the Bullseye? Tuner Screen tabs should be set for Dual LO. Frequency should be 11.6571. Beam type to 36.
@Syed, please correct if I am wrong here. Thanks.
@maxboysdad You are correct (11657.1 MHz). Beam type 36.