For personal reasons I have not been able to deal with the Othernet for several months. After switching to “8W EUTELSAT 8 WEST B”, I was also no longer able to receive Otherner in Germany. Now I bought the “Bullseye 10 kHz Ultra High Stability Universal Single LNB” (thanks to @tysonpower). Currently I still have skylark-dc-v5.9-2002041129 installed on my Dreamcatcher v3.05. The log viewer reports everything OK. In the tuner under the “Status” tab everything is empty. However, I have only done the alignment very roughly.
Where can I download the latest Skylark version?
What do I have to consider with my constellation?
I have aligned the “Bullseye 10 kHz Ultra High Stability Universal Single LNB” to the satellite “23.5E ASTRA 3B”. So in the direction as 2019. I have made the following settings:
Tuner App
Region: Custom
Passive Antenna
Frequency: 11.682315 GHz
Beam Type: 36
LNB: Dual LO 9750/10600
I am now receiving a signal but very weak, about -15 dB. "Lock is often set to “no”.
With the old configuraition of 2019 I had a better reception right away. As I understand it, you do not need to fine tune the frequency on the “Bullseye 10 kHz Ultra High Stability Universal Single LNB”. is that right?
Have you also noticed a deterioration in reception?
If you receive packets, have a look at the frequency offset. if it is above 2000 try to adjust the LNB frequency in small steps up or down till it is below…Reception may get better if you do this. Also check cables and angles in pointing.
SNR should be under around -10 even with a slight Freq offset, just did a quick test with the LNB laying on my desk and looking trough the open window. Got a lock at -9.5 with 99% valid packets without any fine adjustments. A stable lock is possible from -12 db i think, so -13 is a bit to low.