I have a problem with my Bullseye 10Khz Ultra High Stability LNB.
On Start-up, I find the PSK Beacon missing in the Geostationary Satellite Beacon Tracker window on the Console. even when I zoom out (-) fully I don’t find the beacon in window, where as I see some signals there.
I go to main RX pane on the console & I notice that the PSK beacon has moved away by > 100Khz & that’s the reason why you don’t find it in the Satellite Beacon Tracker window. I will be forced to go the convertor settings & change it by the value of deviation & then it appears back in the Beacon tracker window & then the tracker is able to track & maintain it. But a power down & power up later, the same steps need to be repeated, which is annoying & hence this post. The deviation by such huge value is creating the issue. Am I doing something wrong?
Ravi/ S79VU
I think it’s just a faulty LNB. I can replace it. Please contact me by PM.
Thanks Syed for your post.
I sent PM to your gmail address.