I’m using a Raspberry Pi B, not the B+. Initially, I tried the Raspbian install but the tvheadend did not see the 461e. So, I tried the ARM installl and as soon as I plug in the 461e, it begins a boot loop.
Note, when testing the 461e on my computer to make sure it worked, I’ve yet to successfully get the 461e to see all the transponders on the satellite (it only sees one of them, for a handful of the hundreds of possible channels). I don’t know if that has anything to do with the above boot looping problem, but I’ve heard that it won’t see them all if it’s not powered properly. However, the euro power adapter that came with it doesn’t help me here in the US. I’ve tried to reach both the PCTV and power adapter’s customer service departments and have been unsuccessful.
Any advice would be appreciated? Do I need one of those powered USB ports?