It is fun @Seasalt … It seems I had some misconfiguration when I installed YAAC that caused some “feedback” when I allowed it to talk to the internet… Not 100% sure why at this stage
I am getting some propagation on 30 Meters so I have been running a beacon once an hour or so, and if it is seen by one of the (very few) PSKmail gateways, it should end up on Outernet.
I have never used VHF APRS ( although I am looking at it now) and the last time I used the packet on the satellites it was still an AX25 bulletin board on the ISS or some very esoteric 9600baud AX25 store & forward ( showing my age there!)
As @Martin_Nile says, as far as I understand, with the APRS protocol there is nothing but real time digipeaters. but there is a fair chance that a repeated packet will be forwarded on (which is also why there are so many “repeats” of data on the ARPRS network, as I see it
have a GREAT new year!!!
73’ Neil M0KNC
So out in the pacific or Indian ocean we would have a extremely low chance of having the APRS message digi-peatered to a sat gate.
I am aware that the ISS 145.825 is non functioning and that they are temporarily using UHF 437.550.
This creates a problem for me as I intended to set up my Baofeng hand held with a 19.5 inch 1/4 wave ground plane antenna and have APRSdroid on my android phone send APRS messages using the VOX funtion to OUTNET as the three working APRS 145.825 Digi-peater sats went over.
I believe the VOX PTT works fine but it will not change channels or frequencies. So I will either be stuck with PSAT, BRICsat or ISS. Unless I manually change the radio each time.
International Space station. (Being repaired) UHF for now.
I am assuming these are the only satellites APRS digi-peating on 145.825.
Plus a couple of new APRS satellites are supposed to go up in 2017.
What is the best tutorial for setting up the cheapest type of amsat/APRS transmitter?
ILet me scratch my head a bit on this Syed and I will get back to you.
I think there is not one at the moment.
But it would not be hard to create one from all the other tutorials that are out there.
OUTNET is such a new and amazing APRS resource.
Would Outernet be interested in building into the Librarian Software a APRS back feed Messaging module. As the new $25 Baofeng VHF/UHF hand held radios can be made to send APRS messages to a satellite via a Bluetooth interface which can be hacked together from a simple bluetooth headphone/ Mic Headset.
If Librarian is running then that computer can also be the software APRS Modem. This kind of software is already Open source.
Can you link me to the exact radio you are referring to?
The APRS now works really fast and I think the five minute latency is about right.
I sent some test aprs Messages from APRSdroid and they all came through.
KW4QB-5>APDR13,TCPIP*,qAC,T2SPAIN2::OUTNET :test1931{19
KW4QB-5>APDR13,TCPIP*,qAC,T2SPAIN2::OUTNET :test1600hiSyed{16
KW4QB-5>APDR13,TCPIP*,qAC,T2SPAIN2::OUTNET :tesr1927{17
KW4QB-5>APDR13,TCPIP*,qAC,T2SPAIN2::OUTNET :test1931{19
I saw the the “Hi Syed” come through on my local VHF digipeater in Winchester too …I see who you “luv” too
I have sent two more lots of test APRS messages from APRSdroid and neither set has turned up on my Outernet Skylark feed.
I have spent most of the day getting APRS working on VHF here in Winchester using my cheap Chinese hand-held.
Of the 5 or 6 messages I sent 2 of them arrived the most notable was sent at 18:40 (GMT- the time is in the message! ) and is in the text with the time stamp of 18:43 on Outernet - so it took 3 minutes and got there twice LOL.
@Seasalt I think that the real issue is with the UNPROT APRS protocol… there is no guarantee that it will get to it’s destination, which is why everything is sent multiple times… Back in the day of AX25 BBS’s all messages were acknowledged, so you knew it go there
Arrived where?
I have not had any APRS messages in my Skylark download folder since my initial success 3 days ago. Are you seeing APRS messages being delivered by Outernet to to your Skylark downloads folder?
Arrived in Skylark, It is hit & miss … I have had a few “hits” today from VHF
Can you screen capture these messages coming in because I should be seeing exactly the same APRS messages coming down as you???
Possibly my connection is not robust enough as I have a 3% packet loss due to possibly antenna obstructions as I have just re-positioned my antenna. But we also have incredibly bad weather here in Philippines.
here you go… there was one from earlier but I have to open every file to find them
Just after midnight here so I am now in 2017! and what am I doing?? LOL!!
Oh @Seasalt I see your tests in the APRS stream oin my loact VHF…
you are addressing the packets to OUTNET… That prob wont work …
I address the mine to “APOUT” which is the suggested address I saw elsewhere, and place “OUTNET” somewhere in the message body .
I just sent another test … I am off to bed now though!
Thanks Neil I in Philippines, we are not getting those APRS messages. But it could be my Antenna placement (With Skylark Tuner locking up all the time it is very hard to monitor signal strength etc.), or the Skylark Software …With a update of Skylark imminent I will wait and see.
the one I sent just before bed didn’t get to outernet
infact there is HUGE gap in the date/times of the files from Outernet there ( and i have 100% packet decode) it goes from 10:28 then the next text file is at 03:02 the another gap from 3am to 5 am
Will send another test soon
I sent two out and the arrivedion my Skylark APRS folder within a few minutes! Amazing!
M0KNC>APJYC1,MB7UW*,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,MB7USS-1::APOUT :2017 is here. OUTNET test 0939{m0002
the message above was sent at 0939 (it is in the message) an it is in the "messages-2017-01-01_0941.txt file on Outernet
With DC sold out I’ve been looking around the forums. This is such a cool capability!
I don’t currently have a Ham license but I plan to get one soon specifically for this reason. (So I don’t know a lot about APRS other than searching for 15 minutes on Google).
When sending an APRS message intended for Outernet transmission, is there a standard process? It looks like the message is sent to “APOUT” as the intended receiver and the text “OUTNET” is included in the message somewhere?
As long as OUTNET is included in the message, it should be picked up and broadcast.