Help Please, my USB battery connector is just about impossible to get a good connection on. Does anyone know how to make this connection reliable? I spend more time trying to connect this than using the radio.
I have tried 25 different cables and only one seems to work sometimes. The radio works for a while and then just goes off.
I also suspect that the connection between the SDR and the computer may not be connecting properly, but I have not ever come across an iffy USB plug.
I found only SOME decent cables work…
You CAN power it through the pins on the headers.
U13 Pin 2 is CHG-IN and pin 1 is GND
You can apply your 5volts there… You need to ensure you get the right pins though, or you may let the smoke out
Thank you Neil, is there any way you could tell me how to find the 5 volts to suppply and perhaps through a picture show me which are the correct pins. If I happen to let the smoke out it will take me another 1.5 months to import another one into my country of residence.
there is a full explanation in this thread
Thank you for the heads up Neil I will see if I can get the answers there.