For many years, since the time of BBSs i have known that real, important information is very condensed.
Today people spend their 8 mbits on videos and movies…
And websites are (purposefully?) bloating each and every downloaded page (fb for example) with so much nonsense and formatting information that each downloaded page can have up to 300 kb of data… this is outrageous…
1200 characters / bytes is approximately the amount of text in one book page.
that makes roughly 1.2 kb.
and fb for example, uses the data that could have provided 300 pages of information, to show ~one page of information.
rewinding back to the days of BBSs, i remember i used them at the speed of 2400 bps initially. then 14400, 28800, 56700 and then adsl
2400 bps means 300 characters per second,
300 bytes per second… 0.3 kb per second…
people would perhaps laugh at it but 300 letters per second is way more than what most humans would be able to read.
It means reading one page of text in 4 seconds…
All this while one side of the world uses speeds like 800 000 letters per second (8 mbit) and in another part of the world, people have no access to information at all…
2400 bps is actually more than enough for accessing true unbloated, real information. Even searching, websurfing in text, accessing information on wikipedia and more…
The problem is that the pages uses much more data for formatting and other things, javascript, tracking scripts, etc.
2400 bps could possibly be even provided by gsm operators with minimal modification of the gsm systems…
It could be done terrestrially as well in my opinion
But collaborative effort would be required.
anyway 2400 bps is way faster information transfer than what humans can absorb. and you could promote this too on the side of your project… To create awareness.
thanks for reading.