Continuing the discussion from Does the Lantern Have a in-built Storage for Offline Content?:
[quote=“cfry42, post:25, topic:981”]
Lantern is poorly described in the website. This should simply be fixed. Not knowing the exact specs of the device is a poor excuse for the lack of clarity on this.[/quote]
Unfortunately looking at the website I have to agree… I’d appreciate it if @Syed, @branko, @sam_uk, @cfry42, and @ThaneRichard would take a look and discuss the following points.
- The website snippit for the lantern igg page.
Lantern is an anonymous portable library that constantly receives free data from space.
While true, I believe there have been discussions indicating the more realistic function for lantern will be more like that of the radio with an education/reference material twist.
- Topic line of igg campaign.
Global access to the web’s best content on your mobile device. Anonymous. Uncensored. Free. Outernet
The web’s best content is subjective to begin with, not to mention this doesn’t include the intended usage. Seems like this adds to the notion of ‘internet from space’, like flash games and silly cat videos.
- I liked the implications obtained by the first three quotes. Perhaps they can be incorporated into the way lantern is described.
“The Short Wave Radio for the Digital Age.” – Fast Company
I like this, its an accessible description of the technical function.
“A Tiny Satellite Dish That Brings Info to the World’s Deadzones.” – Wired
Good, but not really lantern as much as pillar. While you can plug one in, a dish is not the intended function.
“Outernet aims to provide data to the net unconnected.” – BBC
- The content of the igg page:
Like the water we drink or the air we breathe, the information we consume feeds the very essence of what it means to be human. Lantern establishes a new baseline of human knowledge. We are not fixing the world for people, we are giving them the information they need to fix it themselves.
I think this applies to outernet more than lantern itself.
Lantern continuously receives radio waves broadcast by Outernet from space. Lantern turns the signal into digital files, like webpages, news articles, ebooks, videos, and music. Lantern can receive and store any type of digital file on its internal drive. To view the content stored in Lantern, turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot and connect to Lantern with any Wi-Fi enabled device. All you need is a browser.
It would be worth mentioning the limitations of streaming the way lantern does. For instance, youtube would be much less viable than a full wikipedia, and even wikipedia is too much currently.
Buy a Lantern, support Outernet, and help us find the answers. This campaign is to fund the creation of Lantern and a 2 MB/day broadcast on a new frequency that can be received without a dish. The more money we raise, the more we can do - including launching our own satellites into orbit. See our funding timeline below for more details.
This is great. I like this a lot, except it’s a little burried.
Consume Internet content anonymously
I think staying away from internet in the description would be good.
4b. In summary i like the infographics, though they are a bit much. It wouldnt be hard to put the information more concisely. I also liked the rest of the descriptions, I felt they were accurate and stated well what they intended to.
What I would like to see in discussion is agreements/disagreements with specifics as it would be great to have any possibly implemented changes be easy to implement.