On the newest skylark image , are there any other SDR recivers other than the rtl-sdr one or are all RTL2832U with bias tee supported ?
I’m not sure there are any other SDR’s with bias-tee support, other than the one from NooElec.
is it possible to power the LNA separately and use a non bias-tee enabled dongle ?
Do you have the green Outernet LNA? If so, then yes.
I’ve been using a 10’ USB extension to run the Dongle & amplifier outside my window. My waterproofing didn’t work so well and now I’ve fried them both. I really like and prefer sticking with my Pi and don’t want to buy a whole new kit with the CHIP. The amps are still available on Amazon, where can I buy only the dongle?
They should have more in stock next week.
I would recommend (and I am going to try myself) to put only the LNA outside and keep the
RTL dongle inside (directly plugged into the computer), so use a SMA-female-SMA extension
cable (directly available from Chinese sellers for about 6 euro/dollars, but watch out it is not RP-SMA).
You can get adapters too,
I found a really low loss cable that was pretty cheap and worth the extra to adapt the connectors
The coax is only JUST flexible though… It is like dealing with a 5 meter long spring LOL!!!
Use 7/8 Flexwell! May be hard to get SMA connectors for it bit N is doable and then adapter to SMA.
No need to fix the antenna, just fix the cable.
While not 1/2 or 7/8 hard line I am using SMA to N adapters and back again with my lmr-400 jumper to bring signal in from my Patch/LNA that sits outside. They just happened to be in my connector bag.
Just throwing this out there and this is a debacle that has played out ad nauseum on the ADS-B forums, typical 75 ohm CATV cable is designed for low loss. If you have a particularly long run to do, the changeover loss from 50ohm SMA to F connectors is there, but with an amplified antenna, shouldn’t be a deal breaker. Of course, 75 ohm TV coax is also springy and annoying.