My apologies! The holiday season has been wreaking havoc on my life.
I haven’t had a look at the system (currently running for a few weeks on my RPi Model B) since last I updated this thread.
I should be able to look at the setup later this week or on the weekend when I’m back in the area and get you the logs you asked for.
I minted a new SD Card with ORxPi2 v2.4.000.
I still seem to be getting the intermittent lock, but when I mess about with the cable it seems to cause the signal quality to vary wildly.
I think my next step is probably to yank out the old ribbon cable from the C Band dish that’s been in place since 1980-something and replace it with fresh shiny new RG6, and see how well that works.
The connection seemed really stable when the satellite installer had his signal strength meter connected, but you never know. The cable is really old with new ends.
For this thread, I’ll just call it ‘not your problem’ until I get the cable fixed and do some more testing. That might be months out, depending on how frozen it is inside the conduit.
Branko is right, I’m using an unannounced version. I figured it’d be easier than installing 2.3.000 and installing the hotfixes.
I’m connecting to Galaxy 19 in North America. Like I said, there’s not a lot of point in further troubleshooting until I get the cable replaced, and that might not happen until March or April. I’m not in any rush.
My Lighthouse running version 2.3.000 on Galaxy 19 in Maryland has been very stable for the last 2 weeks - - no loss of signal lock, and constant downloads at about 90 kbps. I can’t access my ORxPi from here as it runs by WiFi to see what it is doing. I am connected to my router by remote access from outside the country at this time. Ken
I’m currently getting no bits on Galaxy 19 either. My signal and quality are fine (55 and 0.80), but there don’t appear to be any bits coming down. It was working Saturday; I got a bunch of mp3’s downloaded on Saturday.