Hello, I setup a Raspberry Pi a long time ago when this project first started, my first generation Raspberry Pi works fine with my Hauppauge PCTV 461e tuner and TPlink WiFi adapter. My problem now is I am trying to get the software running on a Pi 2, in the tuner section of the settings I am not getting my tuner to show up, I have tried several versions of the software including the latest version and none of them are working. The green indicator light on the 461e does not light up either, if I put it back on my 1st generation Pi it works fine.
Is anyone else using this tuner with a Pi 2, has support for this model dropped.
Thanks, I kind of figured that, I tried 2 different Raspberry Pi 2s with most of the Pi 2 Versions of ORx and none work.
Is there a list of known to work tuners for the Pi2? The HDStar tuner you have in the store it says this in the description “We are working on achieving Raspberry Pi 2 compatibility, though that is not verified at this point.”
We haven’t dropped drivers, but we haven’t tested it either. As far as I know, not much changed in the firmware to suddenly make it not work, unless it’s a different generation of hardware or something along those lines. Though, again, we don’t do much testing with 461e, so it could have been sloppiness on our side. Will need to check.
That is meant more for the stock Raspberry Pi 2 image (Raspbian). It works with our image.
Thanks, I am using the 461e on a Pi 1 model B with ORx 2.5 and it works fine with that setup but the Pi1 is a little on the slow side. The 461e also worked well with the original TVHeadend setup when this project first started. I will probably just order one of your tuners from the store for my Pi2.
Got the HDStar tuner from Outernet store on Amazon and everything works now with my Pi2.
By the way, great price you are selling these HDStar Tuners for.