Good evening everybody,
I’ve just received a brand new Nooelec amplifier (2016 05 12 version). I cannot see any obvious pin to plug a 5V to supply the amplifier. Do you have an idea? ( I Just ask before burning my amp while testing )
Best regards.
The NooElec amplifier does not have a way to power it externally (that I am aware of).
It uses “Bias-T” to power the amp in-line. If your SDR has “Bias-T” power available as an option, just turn it on in software and it will power the amp directly through the coaxial connection.
Is the NooElec amplifier still necessary if you incorporate the new Outernet ceramic antenna?
@Artilect The active ceramic antenna has the amplifier integrated into the antenna, so the NooElec amp would not be necessary with that antenna.