Hello everybody, I am new in here and my name is Wolfgang. The Geniatech receiver arrived yesterday and the dish is pointing to Eutelsat Hotbird 13E. Further equipment is a Raspi B+ with ORxPi0.28, a 64 GB-USB-stick and a TP-Link 722WN WiFi stick. I positioned the 80cm-dish by the means of a satellite receiver, where the Outernet-signal is indicated in the “radio”-list. I live in the vicinity of Cologne in Germany.
Everything works fine, the set shows in the settings page: Signal 61, Quality 0.04, Signal lock: Yes, Receiving Data: Yes, Bitrate 90.36 Kbps.
I am impressed, that everything works, and the storage starting to fill up with data.
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I love it when people say that things work just fine! (It’s taken us a long time to get here
Thanks for your interest and support. Please feel free to suggest ways to improve the service. And also feel free to contribute to the code base.