It is my understanding Outernet has ended Ku Band support on systems such as the Lantern, and ORxPi. I look forward to new traffic on your L-Band systems.
Please confirm this so I can turn my Ku Band devices off. Ken
It is my understanding Outernet has ended Ku Band support on systems such as the Lantern, and ORxPi. I look forward to new traffic on your L-Band systems.
Please confirm this so I can turn my Ku Band devices off. Ken
Yes, Ku-band is being terminated on September 7th. To smaller and better things
really sad, since the Hotbird-downstream is also dead, I disconnected my Lighthouse. I guess it cannot be used further.
Yes, Outernet on ABS-2 service has been ended about 1-2 months ago. Now the slot has been replace with an Indian TV channel.
This is a very good example for tightly coupled ‘services and hardware’
What can we do with a TV set without TV stations?
Actually the Lighthouse can be used to watch free-to-air tv. All of our work on Lighthouse was based on the Wetek DVB-S2 receiver. It’s relatively easy to turn the device back into what it was designed to be–a tv set top box.
I suppose it’s better than a brick if we can flash it back into a TV receiver, but OTOH, we didn’t get remotes with the Lighthouse, and there aren’t any controls on the box, so how, exactly, would one use it as a STB with no way to operate it (program it, change channels, etc)?
After the new release is stable, Lighthouse will support L-band reception–with the proper antenna/tuner.
Found the remote: