It looks like there is some bug in re-assembling such a large file, or maybe in transmitting it.
I have a nearly 100% packet reception rate with dropouts only when I make mistakes with the
antenna (it sits in a corner of the window frame and it fell over last evening), but it should easily
complete such a file with 2 passes around the carousel. Both on Librarian and Skylark, the file
is stuck at 99% however. (and Skylark doesn’t require it, I know…)
Is it possible to view what it is missing using command-mode? (SSH)
A useful app on the desktop would be a "what is currently running and what does it still require"
view more detailed than the single line in the tuner setup (which I find a strange place for this anyway).
My weather file stack with 91%. I am skylark version.
you don’t need the weather file on Skylark.
I can see the globe but its says no data.
You’ll need to wait for the data (grib2) files to download. Give it a day or 3.