I’m planning on a Raspberry Pi Outernet home-built setup, and wonder if the amount of memory matters, as I don’t fully understand who caches the data transmitted.
For example, would more memory (RAM) serve me better so that more data is cached locally, or does it matter because data is only cached when the computer is connected?
Frankly, being so new to the concept (and no hardware yet to test), I’m trying to understand. If in fact the RPI hardware caches either data or indexes to data, then clearly I would want the largest capability of the device. Conversely, if data (or data indexes) are only stored to the local computer’s connected wireless to the RPI, then there is little point to in spending more money on a larger memory card.
No, it does not. I’m using CHIP which has 4GB of inboard storage. After setting up Outernet and log into Librarian you have a set a mount of storage like 550MB. I have been running Outernet constantly for a month now. I only have used 11.22% and have 532.67MB remaining. I used a RPi3 with a 32GB micoSD card and still got the same 550MB allocation. I believe if I remember right that there is a thread that mentions this as well, and I believe I read that once you get full, the data just over writes old data. If there is anything that you want to save just ftp into it and download what data you want to save and store some where else. Not much data that I want to save personally, maybe a news article every now and then or something that catches my eye in the community content. Just remember that Outernet is just a experiment for now. Also, the rxOS 4 is in beta and I believe once that is released that you will need CHIP to use rxOS 4. The support for RPi, and other platforms are going to the way side. So if you don’t have CHIP then you need to buy one. There is a thread that also states this and why. Have fun! Cheers! KD9BKH