Let us know how it goes.
Here are some data about my download sessions.
In 3 days there were 6 different download sessions. In the table I summarised the time frames, the downloaded data and the numbers of arrived files. Calculated the time frames, and the download speed.
The tvheadend status page displays 48 kbit/sec average channel speed. Here are some empirical data about this.
febr 28
10.54 – 13.14 12.893 K 116 file 130 min, 7800 sec 1.653 kByte 13.22 kbit
17.03 – 19.54 15.984 K 131 file 171 min, 10260 sec 1.557 kByte 12.46 kbit
19.14 – 19.15 394 K 14 file 1 min, 60 sec 6.54 kByte 52.53 kbit
marc 1
10.11 – 11.03 9.391 K 192 file 52 min, 3190 sec 2.943 kByte 23.55 kbit
14.36 – 14.37 371 K 16 file 1 min 60 sec 6.18 kByte 49.46 kbit
marc 2
7.25 — 7.26 395 K 14 file 1 min 60 sec 6.58 kByte 52.66 kbit
Sum: 38.428 Mega data, in 495 zip files.
It is clear, in a longer time frame there are more, and longer space beetween the each files. The short download session has more realiable data to the download speed.
Was your small dish able to receive data? I would assume there is too much interference from adjacent satellites.
I didnot try it, because the weather wasnot too friendly.
Now I put it on the roof, and try to pointed to Hitbird. The signal strengh is 85 %, but it produce high bit rate errors, more than 15000, and the average bandwith is 5-10 kbs. I tried it with set-top-box and tv receiver set too, the receive the tv program produce acceptable quality. (Sometimes appeares some disturbed pictures).
Based on this first, short test, it seems this 35 cm diameter antenna is too small to use as a reliable receiver the outernet data stream.
Here is a picture of it, ready to move to the place at my presentation. I dont plan there to make live receiveing.
Thanks for your experimentation and the resulting data point. What is the size of your other dish?
I have a simple, commercially available, 90 cm dish to receive. On the picture you can see both dishes, on the roof, in test. Now I downloaded more than 2000 files. On the last picture you can see the temporaly setup for demo presentation.
Notes to this temporaly setup:
The base plate is from a kitchen tool, for cut vegetables and meats. I cut it into 2 pieces, to make the temporaly cover. The larger holds the main components. To fix the components on the base plastic I used a very simple method.
The components: the blue one on left is a simple powered usb hub. The second usb cable for a keyboard. Sometimes need to access in direct way to the RaspberryPi. The yellow cover is a nice box for RPi. I bought it in a local RPi shop. Maybe you can see around the PCTV usb device a small metal cover: it was cut from empty bear can. Its function as a shield, because the receiver is too close to the RPi.
That looks pretty wicked!
view latest topicsIs outernet works 100% or not after
When we talk about Outernet ‘working’, there are a few separate things to consider:
- Whether ORx (the home-built receiver) install scripts do their job
- Whether software on ORx work as expected once installed
- Whether Outernet is broadcasting any data
(1) It’s a bit difficult to address due to sofware updates for the target platforms. For instance, latest release of Raspbian doesn’t include necessary drivers for WiFi dongles.
(2) Our software may contain bugs (obviously), and there could be bugs in other software involved (like TVHeadend, which has given us the most trouble thus far), and there could also be wrong combination of hardware and software (missing drivers, unsupported devices, etc). Arch updated killed ONDD, which extracts files from the stream, for instance.
(3) We have had two glitches since we started broadcasting, one involving the content packaging process, and one involving temporarily stopped broadcast on HotBird 13E.
So all in all, there are hickups here and there, but it’s mostly working. We are admittedly spending less time on these things because we have to prepare software for upcoming hardware releases, but we’ll be bumping these issues up in a few weeks.
Yes I understand
Now is not like a normal net
Receives only
you made a huge amount of works, and this is the basic stepp to realize a world-wide system.
I think, it is a good strategy, to offer this results in this early stage for the community to test, to try, to collect some experiences, and to improove its details. Based on this “feedback”, you can produce a more relaible product to the wider communty, which will use it, and dont want to expeiments in technical details. The consequences, comes from this future stage, will show, how the basic idea functioning in the “life”.