I would like know if your E4000 rtl sdr can be switch bias-tee off by software ?
What is the command line on linux and from windows ?
Thanks in advance.
I would like know if your E4000 rtl sdr can be switch bias-tee off by software ?
What is the command line on linux and from windows ?
Thanks in advance.
Any idea ?
My wildest guess is no, the bias T cannot be switched in software.
Open it up and have a look. Possibly there are already some images out on the internet of the e4000.
Go to the Noo-elec site and see what they say about there E4000 RTL dongle.
The outernet E4000 has hardwired bias-t that can’t be switched, you will need to use a DC block inline or modify the dongle if you do not want the bias voltage.
Correct–the bias tee is hardwired.