i am not convinced by this project. i would really like to contribute, and I think the ideas are really interesting, but I have a few concerns which are blockers for me before I finance it.
the designs, both software and hardware, are proprietary. this means that we can’t replicate or fix those devices in the field, or improve them ourselves, which makes us entirely dependent on a central authority for the project, which seems in contradiction with the project (this is discussed further here)
long term viability of the financial aspects of the projects. how will those satellites be kept in space on the long term? those are very expensive machines, and i haven’t been convinced by the (lack of) information about how this will be kept working “free and forever”
how is data stored on the device? the designs I have seen do not seem to feature any significant storage to store the “core archive”, which seems to be aimed at being < 1TB. all I see are flash cards, which are far from that range, and do not seem to be preloaded. Wikipedia, in itself, is already 20GB, how will that be stored and transmitted? certainly not with 2MB/day…
how is content decided? a lot of things are said about avoiding “censorship” in “other regimes” but what about censorship in the US? Outernet “Inc” will be central organisation that will ultimately control the content that is broadcast over the Outernet network, doesn’t that make it vulnerable to censorship just like any other media broadcaster?
one way communication. being one of the founders of the local wifi mesh networks, i can certainly appreciate the technical difficulties with creating such a project, and understand why it is restricted to broadcasting. but in doing so, aren’t we falling back in the last century trap of “broadcasting”, which has seen (for example) radio being used to do terrible things like the nazi and rwanda genocides? how will people contribute to content if all they have is that receiver?
i find the device and the project really interesting, but I can’t see myself supporting the project until those issues are adressed in one way or the other.
thanks for considering my questions.