so no more coverage for south america ?
so no more coverage for south america ?
Sadly, we needed to discontinue 113W, as there was no market demand for the service. However, there is L-band coverage which can be received throughout all of South America. This signal is already live.
-very sad news , i do not share that opinion . . . .
-which satellite transmits outernet L-band to south america? 54w or 15.5w ?
-and where is the frequency? 1545,525 Mhz ?
-its the lighthouse remained unused, or we can use i on L band ?
Hi Juan,
Thanks for your message. I agree it is very sad. If you know of any organizations that would be interested in restarting the service, then it would be great to be in touch with the right people.
The L-band beam that covers South America is the same that covers North America. The frequency is currently 1539.8725 MHz, but that will eventually change to 1545.525 MHz, which will be the global frequency available on all three beams.
The satellite is Inmarsat I4F3 located at 98W.
The Lighthouse is not compatible with this channel. It can be turned into a normal FTA receiver for television. Additionally, I am happy to send you an L-band tuner and amplifier.
which it is the process to recive the L-band tuner and amplifier?
Is ABS-2 also down? We were trying to permanently set up Outernet here with public WiFi access points covering an entire small town.
I’m working on public wifi access points that will be compatible with the L-band receiver. However, you should note that the L-band receivers only have a throughput of 20Mb/day. Check out our repository at NYC Mesh · GitHub, our website (, or for information about local wireless networks. Or email us at i n f o
@dbinoj Yes, unfortunately ABS2 is also down. However, it coverage has been replaced by Inmarsat’s IOR I3 satellite. It is not as much daily downloading, but L-band can be received by a 10cm antenna, instead of a large dish.
@Charlie_nycmesh I think you are working on a yagi antenna–is that right? I’m looking forward to seeing it. You can always compare the performance of our air gap patch:
Is there any documentation or any more data regarding this? I’m not able to search as the wiki is down. How can we set it up? We have already purchased Outernet Tuner from I’m guessing since the new satellite is not Ku band, we will not be able to use it?
We’ll populate a new wiki in the coming days and weeks. Correct, the Ku-band tuner will not work, but we can offer an exchange of that tuner for an L-band tuner. Can you send me a private message about this?
Sure! Thanks.
Here’s a yagi design: High Gain Yagi Antenna, AY-1450, 1300 - 1600 MHz., 13 dBi. Gain - Antenna Experts that works for that range pretty well. I haven’t had a chance to build and test, but the math checks out. Essentially, yagi antennas work on the idea of harmonics. Each branch is some even multiple of the wavelength of the given frequency. In the case of ranges of frequencies, the branches also vary in length. In order to increase gain, you add more multiples of a given length. If you have a narrow channel in mind (like you do), building these become rather trivial. Some friends in Pudicherry, India did this: Yagi Antenna and Our Merry Band of Hackers | by Suriyadeepan Ramamoorthy | Meshnet PY | Medium for the wifi bands which are fairly close.
However, I have some technical questions about the L-band signal. How is it encoded? modulated?
I see the signal on RTL-SDR and a small (3-5dB) whip antenna from my roof. I just don’t know what to do with it from there.
We’ve built a simple 6-turn helical for L-band reception, but not yet a yagi. Will definitely build a yagi in the coming weeks.
The air gap patch we use works similarly, but it has only one director instead of the four or five on a yagi of equivalent gain.
We do the demodulation and decoding in software and provide the binaries within rxOS.
We have a test image for Pi3 here:
Running rxOS on CHIP works out of the box, but Pi3 still has one issue.
What about non-binaries?
I’d love to separate the content delivery system from the decoding packages and be able to add software that doesn’t get wiped at boot.
We can easily share and extend the content you’ve spent years curating if you help me understand what’s going on in your repository.
I can’t make or cmake. How am I supposed to install a driver for the antenna?
We won’t be releasing non-binaries of the demod or the decoder.
But if you want to add software that doesn’t get wiped out, there is always Raspbian.
We’ll have something similar for x86_64 a bit later. It already works, we just have no documentation yet.
What do you mean by “driver for the antenna”. I’m not familiar with any antennas that require drivers, as they are analog components.
I guess this: sudo pip install --extra-index-url We Moved! is what I meant.
In general, that link was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.